The application of EDTA-Tris and chlorhexidine in the treatment of endometritis as a replacement for antibiotic therapy in cows

The application of EDTA-Tris and chlorhexidine in the treatment of endometritis as a replacement for antibiotic therapy in cows

The treatment of reproductive disorders is based on the use of the available antibiotics or antiseptic agents. Prolonged orinadequate antibiotic treatment contributes to the development of antimicrobial resistances, while the use of antiseptics, particularly inhigh concentrations, leads to endometrial lesions and prolonging of the service period. The present study included monitoring of: 1)reproductive disorders of cows; 2) cytological, morphological, and bacteriological laboratory analyses; 3) susceptibility testing of isolatedbacterial and reference strains to the EDTA-Tris (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid-hydroxymethyl aminomethane) and chlorhexidine(CHX); and 4) an estimate of the time before onset of the new sexual cycle. The aim of the research was to determine whether thecombination of EDTA-Tris and CHX in concentrations that are not harmful to the endometrium may result in the satisfactory treatmentof sick animals and provide optimal service periods of reproductively active animals. Research results of in vitro and in vivo analysisshowed that by using the combination of EDTA-Tris and CHX bactericidal effects were achieved at lower concentrations in comparisonwith the concentrations that had the same effect in the absence of EDTA-Tris. The application of CHX in a concentration of 0.05% inthe treatment of endometritis 10 min after infusion of EDTA-Tris solution had a positive effect on both the involution of the uterus andacutization of chronic inflammatory processes, and it was also economically advantageous when compared to the cost of treatment andthe possible presence of residues in the products.


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