Study of retail egg supply chain for quality in relation to level of sanitization and farm of origin

Study of retail egg supply chain for quality in relation to level of sanitization and farm of origin

In the present cross-sectional study, eggs collected from retail outlets were analyzed for physicochemical and microbialquality. Comparisons were made between “sanitized” (cleaned, sanitized, and retailed after packaging) and “unsanitized” (not subjectedto cleaning, sanitization, and packaging) retail table eggs that originated from “commercial” and “backyard” (eggs retailed loose withoutany cleaning, sanitization, or packaging) farms. A total of 1120 eggs collected from retail markets were analyzed for physicochemical(weight, shell thickness, shape, yolk index, albumen index, Haugh unit, color, and pH) and microbial (total viable count, and yeast andmold counts) characteristics. Eggs collected from retail markets were found to significantly differ with respect to weight, shell thickness,yolk index, albumen index, Haugh unit, yolk color, and total viable counts (P < 0.01), but not shape index, pH, or yeast and moldcounts. Discriminant analysis corroborated the categorization of table eggs and results of the present study showed differentiation oforigin of table eggs based on physicochemical characteristics whereby processed eggs possessed better microbial quality attributes thanunprocessed and backyard eggs. Processing of table eggs encompassing hygienic handling, cold storage, and treatment of eggs woulddeliver wholesome eggs to the consumers through the retail table egg supply chain.


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