Effects of the inclusion of detoxified argan press cake in the diet of dairy goats on milk production and milk quality

Effects of the inclusion of detoxified argan press cake in the diet of dairy goats on milk production and milk quality

This study was carried out to assess the effect of the incorporation of detoxified argan press cake on milk yield, physicochemicalcomposition, and microbial quality of raw Alpine goat milk produced in the Meskala-Essaouira region of southwestern Morocco.The detoxification method, adopted for the removal of saponin present in the argan press cake, succeeded in reducing these antinutrientsfrom 4.56 to 0.4 mg/g, allowing it to be used as livestock feed. The average of milk production increased by 24% for the detoxifiedargan press cake (DAPC) group compared to the argan press cake and local diet groups. The diets and lactation stages had a significanteffect (P < 0.05) on fat, protein, total solids, and salt in milk. Lactation stage and diet also had a significant effect (P < 0.001) on saponinconcentrations in goat milk. Microbiological analysis showed that microbial flora of raw goat milk samples decreased with lactationstage. In terms of performance, DAPC could replace a conventional diet for goats without substantial detrimental effects.


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