Disodium EDTA used as anticoagulant causes hemolysis in common carp blood

Disodium EDTA used as anticoagulant for common carp blood caused a significant increase and high variability in hematocrit readings comparing to the heparinized samples. Na2EDTA induced erythrocyte swelling, causing cell membrane disruption (hemolysis). The nuclei released from destroyed cells changed shape from oval to round, and underwent gradual swelling and vacuolation, followed by karyolysis. The degree of observed changes was similar at all Na2EDTA concentrations (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/mL); on the other hand, percentage of abnormal and destroyed cells showed considerable differences among blood sampled from various carp individuals. The obtained results revealed that Na2EDTA caused gradual damage to erythrocytes, and thus should not be applied as anticoagulant for blood analysis of common carp.

Disodium EDTA used as anticoagulant causes hemolysis in common carp blood

Disodium EDTA used as anticoagulant for common carp blood caused a significant increase and high variability in hematocrit readings comparing to the heparinized samples. Na2EDTA induced erythrocyte swelling, causing cell membrane disruption (hemolysis). The nuclei released from destroyed cells changed shape from oval to round, and underwent gradual swelling and vacuolation, followed by karyolysis. The degree of observed changes was similar at all Na2EDTA concentrations (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/mL); on the other hand, percentage of abnormal and destroyed cells showed considerable differences among blood sampled from various carp individuals. The obtained results revealed that Na2EDTA caused gradual damage to erythrocytes, and thus should not be applied as anticoagulant for blood analysis of common carp.


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