Correlations between egg weight, early embryonic development, and some hatching characteristics of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)

Correlations between egg weight, early embryonic development, and some hatching characteristics of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)

The correlations between selected egg, embryo development, and chick traits were analyzed in three lines of Japanesequail subjected to intrafamily selection for 28th day body weight (group S) and in three lines of random control birds (group K). Thesignificant correlation coefficients between egg weight and most of the traits observed after the first two days of incubation as wellas chick weight and shank length were estimated. Most of the correlations obtained were significant in both groups. No statisticallysignificant differences between groups were confirmed, but there was a lines effect within the groups in most cases and a strong nesteffect in every analyzed trait observed.


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