Performances of Some Perennial Legume and Grass Mixtures under Rainfed Conditions of a Continental Climate Region
Performances of Some Perennial Legume and Grass Mixtures under Rainfed Conditions of a Continental Climate Region
Forage yield and the quality of the pastures in Turkey, especially in Central Anatolia, where the continental climate is dominant, are very low, and their vegetation is degraded to a great extent due to use without proper management practices. The inadequacy of the forage crop production in agricultural land and the low yield and quality of forage are among the main problems of husbandry. The present study aimed to determine perennial legume and grass mixtures with high forage yield and quality under rainfed conditions of the continental climate region in Turkey. The experimental design was randomized blocks with three replications. In the experiment, smooth brome (SB), intermediate wheatgrass (IW), alfalfa (A), sainfoin (S), and lesser burnet (LB) were sown as pure and mixed in different ratios. Two years averaged values of dry matter yield and crude protein, Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), and Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) contents of dry matter varied between 2613 and 6268 kg ha-1;118 and 205 g kg-1; 249 and 424 g kg-1, 416 and 558 g kg-1, respectively. Higher dry matter yields were obtained from A+S+IW+SB, S+LB+IW+SB, A+LB+IW+SB, S+IW, and A+IW+SB mixtures. The pure sowings of the SB, IW, and LB gave lower dry matter yields than the mixtures. Crude protein contents of alfalfa and sainfoin were higher than other pure sowings and mixtures. The ADF and NDF contents of mixtures were higher than those of pure sown of alfalfa, sainfoin, and lesser burnet, they were lower than those of IW and SB. In terms of dry matter yield, crude protein yield, ADF and NDF content, A+S+IW+SB, A+LB+IW+SB, and S+LB+IW+SB mixtures were superior to other mixtures and pure sowings. Alfalfa may be predominant in mixtures over time, and animal health problems may occur under grazing conditions. Therefore, the mixtures of A+S+IW+SB and A+LB+IW+SB can be recommended for mowing, while the S+LB+IW+SB mixtures can be recommended for grazing.
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