Cartan Calculus on the Quantum Space Rq3

To give a Cartan calculus on the extended quantum 3d space, the noncommutative differential calculus on the extended quantum 3d space is extended by introducing inner derivations and Lie derivatives.

Cartan Calculus on the Quantum Space Rq3

To give a Cartan calculus on the extended quantum 3d space, the noncommutative differential calculus on the extended quantum 3d space is extended by introducing inner derivations and Lie derivatives.


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  • Salih ÇELİK, E. Mehmet ÖZKAN Received 13.02.2008 Ergün YAŞAR
  • Yıldız Technical University, Department of Mathematics, Davutpaşa—Esenler, İstanbul—TURKEY e—mail: ergyasmat©gmaiLcom