Balanced pair algorithm for a class of cubic substitutions

In this article we introduce the balanced pair algorithm associated with 2 unimodular Pisot substitutions having the same incidence matrix. We are interested in beta-substitution related to the polynomial x3 - ax2 - bx-1 for a \geq b \geq 1. Applying the balanced pair algorithm to these substitutions, we obtain a general formula for the associated intersection substitution.

Balanced pair algorithm for a class of cubic substitutions

In this article we introduce the balanced pair algorithm associated with 2 unimodular Pisot substitutions having the same incidence matrix. We are interested in beta-substitution related to the polynomial x3 - ax2 - bx-1 for a \geq b \geq 1. Applying the balanced pair algorithm to these substitutions, we obtain a general formula for the associated intersection substitution.


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