Arithmetical rank of the edge ideals of some n-cyclic graphs with a common edge

In this paper, we present some lower bounds and upper bounds on the arithmetical rank of the edge ideals of some n-cyclic graphs with a common edge. For some special n-cyclic graphs with a common edge, we prove that the arithmetical rank equals the projective dimension of the corresponding quotient ring.

Arithmetical rank of the edge ideals of some n-cyclic graphs with a common edge

In this paper, we present some lower bounds and upper bounds on the arithmetical rank of the edge ideals of some n-cyclic graphs with a common edge. For some special n-cyclic graphs with a common edge, we prove that the arithmetical rank equals the projective dimension of the corresponding quotient ring.


  • Corollary 3.17 Let G be an n -cyclic graph consisting of the union of n cycles C and C3t1+2, . . . , 3tk3 with a common edge x , where k1+ k3= n . Then bight (I(G)) = pdR(R/I(G)) = ara (I(G)).