Evaluation of empathic tendency levels of the intensive care unit nurses in terms of various variables

Evaluation of empathic tendency levels of the intensive care unit nurses in terms of various variables

Objective: The aim of this research is to evaluate empathic tendency levels of the nurses who work at the intensive care units in terms of various variables.Methodology: 138 nurses who work at the intensive care units and accepted to participate in the research were included in this descriptive research. The research was carried out using a Nurse Descriptive Form designed by the researchers after literature review and Empathic Tendency Scale in order to evaluate the emphatic tendencies. Official written approvals of the institutions and nurses’ oral consents were obtained. Percentage distributions, Student t test, Kruskall Wallis and One way ANOVA were used for data evaluation. Results: It was found out that 80.4 % of the participant nurses were females, mean age was 32.05 + 5.39, mean working time at the intensive care unit was 3.46 + 3.09, 38.4 % had graduate degree and 86.2 % worked in shifts. Mean score of Emphatic Tendency Scale of the nurses was 72.77 + 8.48. A statistically significant difference was found between mean scores obtained from empathic tendency scale and nurses’ considering the profession appropriate for themselves, considering changing the profession, getting trainings about empathy and empathizing with the patients (p< 0.05). Conclusions: It was found out that nurses’ empathic tendency scores were good. It may be recommended that empathy and communication topics should be dealt more widely in the on-job trainings because empathic approach is an effective factor for increasing the quality of nursing care. 


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