Olive growing and importance of plant nutrition in olive cultivars

Olive growing and importance of plant nutrition in olive cultivars

Olive has spread naturally in regions where have Mediterranean climate in both hemispheres.  Olive, which has a great importance in the world and in our country, is a fruit species need to be studied.  Olive, which is consumed as both fresh and olive oil, has a large importance  in gastronomy and health sector. When  quality and yield in olive are considered, the suitable conditions for the plant should be provided by paying attention to the breeding conditions. In this research, the  general rules of olive growing are mentioned and importance of plant nutrition is emphasized, and the heights and temperature values that it can grow, soil cultivation,  the improvement of the soil properties, the effects of nutrients on plant,  nutrient uptake theories have been investigated. The aim of this study is to determine the functions of some plant nutrients and the nutrient intake of plants from soil. Since the olive is both immortal thanks to its tubers under the soil and is able to adapt to all conditions, it is a significant fruit species economically, but in order to increase yield and quality, plant nutrition should be given importance. This study will reveal the importance of plant nutrition and fertilization in olive and will lead the studies, which will be carried out concerning this issue in future. 


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