Mineral composition and nutritional properties of Malva neglecta and Malvella sherardiana consumed as vegetable in Central Black Sea Region of Turkey

Mineral composition and nutritional properties of Malva neglecta and Malvella sherardiana consumed as vegetable in Central Black Sea Region of Turkey

This study was conducted to determine nutrient content and macro-micro elements of mallow species consumed as vegetables in Central Black Sea Region. Survey and field studies were carried out in Samsun, Amasya, Ordu and Tokat provinces. In the survey studies, two species were identified in 30 mallow samples as Malvella sherardiana (8 materials), Malva neglecta (22 materials). Although mallow species showed similar values in terms of nutrient content and macro-micro elements, M. sherardiana was found to be higher. In the research, the highest amount of dry matter (20.9%), ash content (18.2%), N (3.2%) and protein contents (20.1%) in M. sherardiana and the highest vitamin C in M. neglecta (83.5 mg 100g-1) were determined. Mineral analysis showed that M. sherardiana contained considerably high amounts of potassium (3660.8 mg 100g-1), phosphorus (701.7 mg 100g-1), calcium (1730.0 mg 100g-1), magnesium (416.1 mg 100g-1), iron (22.4 mg 100g-1), sodium (687.7 mg 100g-1), copper (9.7 mg 100g-1), manganese (5.3 mg 100g-1) and zinc (10.1 mg 100g-1). In the research, Mallow was found to be sufficient for human health with high protein, vitamin C and rich mineral content. 


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