Detection of static eccentricity for permanent magnet synchronous motors using the coherence analysis

This paper reports on work to detect the static eccentricity faults for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using spectral analysis methods. Measurements are carried out by collecting the stator current and voltage, torque and speed for healthy and faulty cases of the motor. Static eccentricity case is formed by changing the rotor position in the manner of sliding the shaft on a horizontal axis. As a result of the spectral analysis for the motor currents, side band effects appeared at around the fundamental frequency are determined as a most important indicator of the eccentricity. In addition to this determination, the eccentricity problem is observed from the torque and rotor speed data comparing with each others as well as current and voltage variations.

Detection of static eccentricity for permanent magnet synchronous motors using the coherence analysis

This paper reports on work to detect the static eccentricity faults for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using spectral analysis methods. Measurements are carried out by collecting the stator current and voltage, torque and speed for healthy and faulty cases of the motor. Static eccentricity case is formed by changing the rotor position in the manner of sliding the shaft on a horizontal axis. As a result of the spectral analysis for the motor currents, side band effects appeared at around the fundamental frequency are determined as a most important indicator of the eccentricity. In addition to this determination, the eccentricity problem is observed from the torque and rotor speed data comparing with each others as well as current and voltage variations.


  • Abbreviations STFT APSD CPSD
  • Cross Power Spectral Density
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