Synthesis and investigation of langbeinite-related strontium- and iron-containing phosphates

Synthesis and investigation of langbeinite-related strontium- and iron-containing phosphates

The partial substitution of potassium atoms by strontium atoms in initial matrix K3Fe 2 (PO4)3 withformation of complex phosphates K3−2x Srx Fe 2 (PO4)3 (x = 0.75, 1.0, and 1.25) was determined using a solid-statereaction method. According to powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data, the prepared phosphates with x = 1.0 and 1.25crystallize in a cubic system (space group P21 3) and belong to langbeinite family compounds, while for the samplewith x = 0.75 a mixture of langbeinite-type phase and a minor amount of K3Fe 2 (PO4)3 was obtained. The decreasingtrend of lattice parameter a with increase of Sr amount in the phosphate confirmed the incorporation of strontium inthe langbeinite-related structure. The thermal analysis results indicate that the obtained langbeinite-related compoundsare stable upon heating and their melting points are higher than 1000 °C. It should be noted that the determined ironcontaining phosphates can be obtained at temperature lower than 900 °C, which creates a perspective for using them asmatrixes for immobilization of radioactive strontium.


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