Limacella subtropicana (Amanitaceae, Agaricales), a new species from Pakistan based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic evidences

Limacella subtropicana (Amanitaceae, Agaricales), a new species from Pakistan based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic evidences

Basidiomata of a hitherto undescribed Limacella species were collected from the grasslands of Punjab, Pakistan. We describe it as Limacella subtropicana, which is characterized by its viscid, white to creamy pileus, white to the creamy stipe, changing to brown when bruised, subglobose basidiospores measuring 4.0–6.3 × 3.7–5.5 μm, an ixotrichodermal pileipellis with subcylindric to clavate terminal elements and the common presence of clamp connections in all tissues. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses of ITS sequences and LSU sequences of nrDNA confirmed its placement in the genus Limacella. A comprehensive description and a comparison of the new taxon with other Limacella species are provided.


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