Classification of Turkish Plantago L. Species Using Numerical Taxonomy

Twenty-three Plantago L. taxa belonging to 2 subgenera (Euplantago Harms and Psyllium (Juss.) Harms) were classified by numerical taxonomic methods. A total of 36 morphological and ecological characters were utilised for numerical taxonomic analysis of Plantago taxa. The classification obtained by numeric taxonomic methods was compared to that obtained by conventional methods. In general, both of the classifications agreed well, except for the section Hymenopsyllium Pilger being clustered under the subgenus Psyllium contrary to the conventional classification.

Classification of Turkish Plantago L. Species Using Numerical Taxonomy

Twenty-three Plantago L. taxa belonging to 2 subgenera (Euplantago Harms and Psyllium (Juss.) Harms) were classified by numerical taxonomic methods. A total of 36 morphological and ecological characters were utilised for numerical taxonomic analysis of Plantago taxa. The classification obtained by numeric taxonomic methods was compared to that obtained by conventional methods. In general, both of the classifications agreed well, except for the section Hymenopsyllium Pilger being clustered under the subgenus Psyllium contrary to the conventional classification.


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