Check-List of the Genus Colchicum in the Flora of Turkey

A check-list of the genus Colchicum L. in the Flora Turkey is presented, with 36 taxa. A list of taxonomical changes that have occurred since the publication of the Flora of Turkey suppl. II is given. Twenty-seven of them are autumn-flowering species (28 taxa), whereas 8 of them are early-spring species. Thirty-five species (36 taxa) are presented, of which 15 are endemic to Turkey.

Check-List of the Genus Colchicum in the Flora of Turkey

A check-list of the genus Colchicum L. in the Flora Turkey is presented, with 36 taxa. A list of taxonomical changes that have occurred since the publication of the Flora of Turkey suppl. II is given. Twenty-seven of them are autumn-flowering species (28 taxa), whereas 8 of them are early-spring species. Thirty-five species (36 taxa) are presented, of which 15 are endemic to Turkey.


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