A new record for Turkey: Michauxia nuda A.DC. (Campanulaceae)

Michauxia nuda A.DC. (Campanulaceae) is recorded for the first time (C8 Siirt province) from Turkey. The diagnostic characters of M. nuda are described and its habitat and conservation status are indicated. Besides, it is illustrated, and a distribution map is presented. Notes on collecting number of type specimen of this species are provided.

A new record for Turkey: Michauxia nuda A.DC. (Campanulaceae)

Michauxia nuda A.DC. (Campanulaceae) is recorded for the first time (C8 Siirt province) from Turkey. The diagnostic characters of M. nuda are described and its habitat and conservation status are indicated. Besides, it is illustrated, and a distribution map is presented. Notes on collecting number of type specimen of this species are provided.


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