Türkiye' nin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi' ndeki küçük ölçekli Orman Ürünleri Sanayi İşletmelerinin sosyo-ekonomik analizi

Structural and statistical analyses of small establishments in the forest products industry were performed in 63 towns and cities in six provinces in the Eastern Black Sea region, which is relatively less developed than many other regions in Turkey. The other objective of this study was to classify the establishments by using various factors. Correlation, cluster and discriminate analysis were used for classification of these establishments. Twenty-five various factors, collected especially from workers, were analyzed. The study was realized using questionnaire forms, filled in with the face-to-face communication method. As a result, 341 questionnaire forms were filled out in 63 locations. Homogeneous town groups were determined based on the forest product industry. Statistical analysis showed that the locations surveyed were classified into five homogeneous groups using structural analysis. Fifty-eight of 63 towns were in the same group and showed the same structure as the forest product industry. The major factors that are found to affect the forming of these groups are access to the market as well as sources of raw material, availability of the raw material, the export potential, and the qualified technical personnel. The group of towns that have a potential for developing the forest product industry and also the group that should have the highest priority for potential investments were determined. Similar financial policies should be applied for the same town groups in the Eastern Black Sea Region because of limited financial resources.

Socio-Economic structural analysis of small firms in the forset product industry in the Eastern Black Sea Region in Turkey

Structural and statistical analyses of small establishments in the forest products industry were performed in 63 towns and cities in six provinces in the Eastern Black Sea region, which is relatively less developed than many other regions in Turkey. The other objective of this study was to classify the establishments by using various factors. Correlation, cluster and discriminate analysis were used for classification of these establishments. Twenty-five various factors, collected especially from workers, were analyzed. The study was realized using questionnaire forms, filled in with the face-to-face communication method. As a result, 341 questionnaire forms were filled out in 63 locations. Homogeneous town groups were determined based on the forest product industry. Statistical analysis showed that the locations surveyed were classified into five homogeneous groups using structural analysis. Fifty-eight of 63 towns were in the same group and showed the same structure as the forest product industry. The major factors that are found to affect the forming of these groups are access to the market as well as sources of raw material, availability of the raw material, the export potential, and the qualified technical personnel. The group of towns that have a potential for developing the forest product industry and also the group that should have the highest priority for potential investments were determined. Similar financial policies should be applied for the same town groups in the Eastern Black Sea Region because of limited financial resources.


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