The effect of putrescine on DNA methylation on cabbage plant under salt stress conditions

The effect of putrescine on DNA methylation on cabbage plant under salt stress conditions

Although studies on tolerance to abiotic stress conditions in cabbage species and varieties have been carried out, these studieshave generally been conducted in field and greenhouse pot experiments. In such studies, morphological measurements and evaluationshave been made. However, there are deficiencies in physiological and molecular detection studies. Therefore, this study focused ondetecting any DNA methylation change in the genome of cabbage seedlings when NaCl (salt stress) in combination with putrescine(Put) was applied. Different concentrations of NaCl and Put were applied to white head cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. cv Yalova-F1).Germination rate, root length, shoot length, seedling index and variation coefficient of germination timewere examined. Eight RAPDprimers were used in the CRED-RA analysis. Polymorphism ratios were calculated for each concentration and averages were taken.The results showed that MspI enzyme used in the study was cut from the methylation site and the HpaII enzyme was cut when themethylation did not occur. A total seventy-eight methlation sensitive bands were determined based on the treatments. Class IV was thehighest methylation type. This was followed by Class I, Class III and Class II, respectively. Total methylation rate (%) was varied from59.0% to 71.8%. It was determined that the full methylation rate (%) was higher than hemi-methylation rate in all treatments. As a resultof this study, it was determined that Put applied in both NaCl stress and stress-free conditions caused demethylation.
