Devrim Sonrası İran Ortaokul Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türklere İlişkin Söylemlerin Analizi

Türklerin İranlılar ile ilişkileri oldukça eskiye dayanmaktadır. İran kaynaklarında ilk Türk-İran ilişkilerinin İskitler zamanında olduğu belirtilmiştir. Geçmişte Gazneliler, Selçuklular ve Osmanlılar döneminde olduğu gibi günümüz Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde de bu ilişkiler çok çeşitli boyutlarda devam etmektedir. Türk-İran ilişkilerinin iki ülke halklarını siyasi yönden olduğu kadar toplumsal ve kültürel yönden de etkilediği bilinmektedir. Bu etkilerin en önemli yansımalarından biri eğitim alanında yaşanmaktadır. Özellikle geçmişten günümüze yaşanan ilişkilerin ders kitaplarında ele alınış biçimleri iki ülke halklarının birbirlerine karşı bakış açılarını doğrudan etkilemektedir.İran tarih ders kitaplarında Türklere ilişkin söylemlerin nasıl olduğunu belirlemeyi amaçlayan bu araştırmanın kapsamını 1384 hş. (2007) yılında basılan orta 1, orta 2, orta 3. sınıf tarih kitapları oluşturmaktadır. Betimsel modele dayanan araştırmada elde edilen verilerin toplanması, analizi ve yorumlanmasında nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Verilerin toplanması amacıyla doküman incelemesi yapılmıştır. Doküman incelemesi sonucunda şu sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır: İran’ın sınırları dışındaki Türkler özellikle de Osmanlılar Şii inanç çerçevesinde ötekileştirilirken hatta bir tehdit olarak değerlendirilirken, İran’daki yönetici Türk hanedanlardan övgüyle söz edilmiştir. Türklere ilişkin anlatımların bir kısmının tarihi araştırmaların bulgularıyla örtüşmediği de tespit edilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: İran İslam Cumhuriyeti, Tarih Ders Kitapları, İmge, Türkler, Ötekileştirme ANALYSIS of THE EXPRESSIONS RELATED to the TURKS in the MIDDLE SCHOOL HISTORY TEXTBOOKS in POST-REVOLUTIONARY IRANAbstract: The Turkish-Iranian relations have come back to ancient period. In the Iranian sources it is stated that the first Turkish-Iranian relations came into being in the time of the Scythians. As being in the Ghaznavid, Seljukid and the Ottoman era in the past, today these relations continue in various dimensions in the Republic of Turkey as well. It is known that, in terms of not only from the political aspects of the peoples of the two countries but also the social and cultural aspects, the Turkish-Iranian relations are also affected. One of the most important implications of these effects is experienced in the field of education. Especially the handled forms of relationships which are experienced from the past to the present in the textbooks, affects the people of the two countries against each other directly.In this study, the current history textbooks taught at the middle school level in Iran is examined in order to determine how the expressions related to the Turks in the history textbooks of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The history textbooks of secondary level which published in 1384 hş. (2007) are composed of the subject of this study. In this study, a descriptive model was applied. In the study, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of the obtained data, qualitative research methods were used. Document review was conducted for data collection. As a result of document analysis the following conclusions were reached: While the Turks outside the boundaries of Iran are otherized the ruling Turkish dynasties are mentioned proudly. However especially against the Shiite and Shia beliefs the Ottomans were regarded as threat. Some parts of the explanations related to Turks are determined to not coincide with historical research findings.Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran, History Textbooks, Image, the Turks, Othering


The Turkish-Iranian relations have come back to ancient period. In the Iranian sources it is stated that the first Turkish-Iranian relations came into being in the time of the Scythians. As being in the Ghaznavid, Seljukid and the Ottoman era in the past, today these relations continue in various dimensions in the Republic of Turkey as well. It is known that, in terms of not only from the political aspects of the peoples of the two countries but also the social and cultural aspects, the Turkish-Iranian relations are also affected. One of the most important implications of these effects is experienced in the field of education. Especially the handled forms of relationships which are experienced from the past to the present in the textbooks, affects the people of the two countries against each other directly. In this study, the current history textbooks taught at the middle school level in Iran is examined in order to determine how the expressions related to the Turks in the history textbooks of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The history textbooks of secondary level which published in 1384 hş. (2007) are composed of the subject of this study. In this study, a descriptive model was applied. In the study, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of the obtained data, qualitative research methods were used. Document review was conducted for data collection. As a result of document analysis the following conclusions were reached: While the Turks outside the boundaries of Iran are otherized the ruling Turkish dynasties are mentioned proudly. However especially against the Shiite and Shia beliefs the Ottomans were regarded as threat. Some parts of the explanations related to Turks are determined to not coincide with historical research findings


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  • İncelenen Tarih Ders Kitapları
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