Minstrelsy in Tv Studios A Comparison on the Types of Performances: Oral, Natural, Digital and Electronic Minstrelsy

Minstrelsy in Tv Studios A Comparison on the Types of Performances: Oral, Natural, Digital and Electronic Minstrelsy

The tradition of minstrelsy or folk poetry continues to exist even today in different environments of performance. Among the new settings of performance, the most remarkable one is the TV programs. In these programs featured on once a week, the preparer and the presenter is a folk poet who is the representative of the tradition. Until today the tradition has been represented in the environments with audience/spectors. Minstrelsy on TV programs handled to examine in this paper seem to be a new genre of oral literature. These programs are sometimes live, sometimes delayed broadcast. Two or three folk poets are hosted in those programs and perform oral poetry face to face. The audience can join the broadcast through their phones, mobile phones, fax or e-mails, which creates a similarity to the traditional performances before an audience. This study compares traditional minstrelsy in wedding ceremonies and coffeehouses and television performances as two different genres of oral poetry.
