Functional Perspective on Sourdough Bread

Functional Perspective on Sourdough Bread

In recent years, with the awareness of people, the interest in natural and functional foods has increased. Sourdough is a dough piece in which industrial culture yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), endogenous yeasts, lactic and acetic bacteria from the air and the ingredients used (flour, water, etc.) are active. In sourdough fermentation, yeast and lactic acid bacteria work together to form the natural flora. It has been proven by studies that breads prepared from sourdough have many advantages such as greater volume increase, stronger aroma, better crumb structure and long shelf life. In addition, sourdough fermentation has very important positive effects on human health. Various additives (malt flours, emulsifiers, microbial enzymes, dairy products, soy flour and potato flour) are used to delay the staling of bread. In the production of sourdough bread, high quality and long shelf-life breads can be obtained without the need for these additives. Thus, both natural and additive-free and functional breads are produced. In this review, it is aimed to raise awareness by giving information about the advantages of using sourdough in bread production. In the study, the concept of sourdough was discussed and information was given about the content of bread prepared using sourdough and its benefits on health.


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Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 2148-127X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Aylık
  • Başlangıç: 2013
  • Yayıncı: Turkish Science and Technology Publishing (TURSTEP)
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