The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale For Adolescent Athletes: Translation, Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study

The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale For Adolescent Athletes: Translation, Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study

This study aims to analyze the validity and reliability of The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale for Adolescent Athletes.220 athletes including 111 females and 109 males from seventeen different sports branches participated in the study. Theage mean of the participants was found to be 19.76±1.05. The sporting age mean was found to be 7.11±2.96. Data wascollected by using The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale for Adolescent Athletes (8), Perceived Stress Scale (9, 11). Thefactor structure was analyzed by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis in AMOS. Pearson Correlation test was used toanalyze factor-factor relationship and criterion-related validity. The method of translation-back translation was used forthe translation of the scale into Turkish. The results of the factor analysis displayed that 5-factor model had acceptable fitindices (CFI=.83, SRMR=.07, RMSEA=.07). The 5-factor scale including the subscales of prolonged reactivity, reactivity towork overload, reactivity to social conflict, reactivity to social evaluation, and reactivity to failure had the same factorstructure in Turkish athletes. Consequently, it can be said that The Turkish form of the Perceived Stress Reactivity Scalefor Adolescent Athletes is valid and reliable.


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