Relationship Between Health Perception and Life Satisfaction in Individuals Who are Member of Recreative Fitness Center

Relationship Between Health Perception and Life Satisfaction in Individuals Who are Member of Recreative Fitness Center

The aim of this study was to compare the health perception and life satisfaction levels of the individuals doing recreationalsports according to various demographic variables and to determine the relationship.This study was conducted on the basis of survey model; Individuals attending recreational fitness centers in Konya participatedon a voluntary basis. “Health Perception Scale” which was developed by Diamond et al. (2007) and adapted to Turkish byKadıoğlu and Yıldız; and “Life Satisfaction Scale” which was developed by Diener et al. and adapted to Turkish by Köker(1991) were used. SPSS 20 package program was used to analyze the data. In the evaluation of the data, complementarystatistical methods like standard deviation (sd) frequency (f) percentage (%) average (M) and since normal distributionconditions were not met Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann-Whitney U test, which are non-parametric tests, were used. SpearmanCorrelation coefficient test was used to reveal the relationship between them. Results were evaluated at 0.05 significance level.As a result of the study, when the health perception scale and life satisfaction scale were compared according to the variables ofgender, age and educational status, statistically significant differences were found and it was found that the relationshipbetween life satisfaction and health perception scale had low positive correlation levels with each other. In this context, healthperception and life satisfaction can be evaluated as factors affecting each other.


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