Participation Motivation Scale for E-Sports: The Study of Validity and Reliability (PMSES)

Participation Motivation Scale for E-Sports: The Study of Validity and Reliability (PMSES)

d, the popularity and the number of players has increased after 2008. In this study, the Participation Motivation Scalefor E-Sports (PMSES) was developed in order to evaluate the motivation for participation of those who do E-Sports. Theresearch included 590 participants that play various E-Sports games. The research was designed as the structural equationand mixed model. Within the scope of the structural validity of the scale, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was carried outin the SPSS 23, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied to the measuring instrument in AMOS Software. TheKaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value was found to be 0.975 and the sample size was found to be sufficient. As a result of thefactor analysis applied regarding the validity of the scale, three factors representing 78.847% of the total variance wereobtained. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient was calculated as 0.972 as a result of the reliability analysis of the 22-item scale. Itcan be said that the Participation Motivation Scale for E-Sports (PMSES) is a valid and reliable data collection tool that canmeasure the participation motivation of the individuals who do E-Sports


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