Acute Effects of High-Intensity Competition on Macroelements and Relationship with Corrected QT Interval

Acute Effects of High-Intensity Competition on Macroelements and Relationship with Corrected QT Interval

The purpose of this study is the find the changes of calcium, sodium, and potassium ions and relationship with Corrected QT (QTc) interval in professional athletes during a short duration of intense exercise. Thirty-two male athletes (age, 26.9±4.7 yrs) competed in 8 minutes high-intensity competition. The competition items included: Running on Skillmill for 400 meters; Three-stage deadlifting, bar pulling up, 30-kilogram kettle bell swinging, and throwing 20 sand-filled balls. The resting electrocardiogram was recorded in a sitting position for one minute. Venous blood samples were obtained before and immediately after the competition and analyzed for Sodium (NA+), Potassium (K), and Calcium (Ca). Plasma volume changes were estimated from hemoglobin and hematocrit readings before and after the competition. The results showed that the serum calcium (p


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