Investigation of the Satisfaction Levels of University Students from Social and Sports Activities Provided in the University Environment

ABSTRACT Research was carried out for the purpose of determination of satisfaction of university students from social and sportive activities provided by their universities. Research is a survey screening type of research. Universe of the research is central campus of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University of Burdur and its population is 800 students who were selected randomly and who study at different units located in this campus. In this study, data were acquired by survey method. A purpose-oriented survey was developed. Understandability, validness of the scope and reliability of the survey were established. Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient of the survey was found to be 0,89. Survey was applied to sample group by making one on one interviews with random sampling method. Survey was answered by 800 students in total, being 424 women and 376 men. Frequency (%), Crosstabs and Chi Square (χ2) tests were made as statistical procedure. 0,05 was accepted as confidence interval in determination of differences between variables. As a result of obtained data; we can suggest that participants were mainly satisfied from social and sportive activities provided in the university environment within the scope of the research, however, women were more satisfied in social activities compared to men and men were more satisfied in sportive activities compared to women. Key words: Student, Social, Sportive, Activity, Satisfaction


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