Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of Skills Confidence Inventory

The Vocational Interest Inventory is one of the most commonly used instruments in career counselling in the past and present. The aim of this study is to adapt the Skills Confidence Inventory (SCI) and obtain validity and reliability evidence for its Turkish version. The SCI Turkish version is called BGMIE (Becerilere Güven Mesleki Ilgi Envanteri) and is a list of vocational interests consisting of 164 items measuring 17 different areas of vocational interests. In the study, data were collected from 32 university students for the linguistic equivalence test, from 765 high school students for the pretest, and from 1449 high school students for the final test. The validity of the BGMIE was examined using the bilingual group, linguistic equivalence, and CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) scores. The results of the CFA analyses indicate a perfect fit for nine factors (Creative Production, Cultural Sensitivity, Data Management, Helping, Leadership, Office Services, Public Speaking, Science, Teamwork), a good fit for seven factors (Mechanics, Organisational Management, Project Management, Sales, Teaching, Use of Technology, Writing), and an acceptable fit for one factor (Mathematics).


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