ABSTRACTMahremî whose four works named Şehname, Şütürname, Mecmau'l-letayif ve Tarabü'l-mecalis are possessed today does not have a reorganized divan. It is seen the the last three of the mentioned work are never noted in resources. No matter a work which he collected his simple Turkish poems named Basitnameis mentioned, such a work has not been obtained yet. These restricted and missing knowledge about the life and the works of the poet can be explained with his being away from Istanbul in the last years of his life and with his sudden death. It is known that he has a limited number of poems in various periodicals, catalogues and biographies. When these poems are read, it is found out that he is a highly strong poet and especially he is successful in writing odes. Of these poems possessed, thirty four odes and three terci-bents which are in a periodical were published. His one or two poems in a biography can not added to these. When his poems are studied altogether, it is certain to reach valuable knowledge about the poet. In this paper, the texts in question were divided with their various aspects and tried to be evaluated ambidextrously. Key Words: Divan Poetry, Mahremi, Qaside, Türki-i Basit.


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