The contribution of vocational scholls to regional economy: The case of Babaeski vocational school

The contribution of vocational scholls to regional economy: The case of Babaeski vocational school

In the 21.century that globalization is the determiner, economicaldevelopment is very important for all countries. In addition to the traditionaldevelopment programmes, local development strategies are also very important asthe supplementary factors for the economical developmental process. Vocational high schools take place as local implementing institutions. Universities have animportant role at the global rivalry and development process as the education ofhuman resources. Universities known as the basic dynamic of the regionaldevelopment help the improvement of education, economy, social and culturalstructure in societies. Vocational high schools are also important especially for localeconomies as the supplementary of development. They also give support to theemployment constitutions at the labour force markets especially at the developingcountries with the help of training staff for them. The result of the questionnaireapplied at this study to find out the contributions of vocational high schools to thelocal economies concretely let us calculate the students‘ expenses onaccommodation, food, transport, school canteen, stationery etc. It was seen thatthese expenses also contribute to income and employment at local economies.


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