Women and Violence in the Play: Evcil

From Ancient mythology to nowadays woman is regarded as a bad-ness or illness. In patriarchal system woman is defined with her sexuality and in private areas by men. In the official and accepted art history the role of genders are defined clearly. The researches show that from the Ancient Greek drama the role of woman characters are played by actors and the playwrights create their fiction with the patriarchal point of view give shape to the understanding of western drama. The same situation can be seen in Turkish drama. Woman gains importance in family concept, and this situation is represented on the stage. Woman should obey her father or her husband as the symbol of patriarchal system and she should be a good wife, a good house-wife, and a good woman. In this study the contemporary playwright Tolga Özenç Özençel’s play Evcil is going to be studied in the aspect of the representation of a woman, Seda, on the stage with her desperate situation, her inner world, her attitude against violence of man. The situation of Seda being between father and husband figures, accepting physical and psychological violence are questioned. Her conflict about her feelings and thoughts as a woman and her situation against patriarchal sy-setm is going to be analysed.


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