Analyzing of the Factors Affecting the Exposure of Adolescents to Peer Bullying

This study was prepared to examine the factors affecting peer bullying exposure considering adolescents’ gender, age and classes. The study area of the research was applied to 9 th and 10 th grade students of Sakarya province Sapanca Vocational and Technical Anotolian High School. In this study, 10 students were asked questions to examine the factors affecting adolescent’s exposure to peer bullying. Students’ responses were evaluated using the interview form. Although the problems of adolescence differ in the historical process , they have existed in all societies until today. Because adolescents experience self-fornation in this process,plan the future and go through a very difficult process. The importance of friendship, popularity, self-realisation,setting goals and most importantly,rapid biological,psychological and social changes can attract these individuals in different problems. Thus, adolescents’ reactions to these problems sometimes go to extremes and increases in violence are observed. Bullying, which is a form of aggression, is used for purposes such as achieving one’s own goals, establishing authority, and making somebody give up. The increase of aggression events in the world and in our country in recent years has also increased the studies on this issues. In this study, the relationship between peer bullying and some factors such as age ,gender, physical characteristics,personality traits and parental attitudes affecting peer bullying were investigated.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Adolescents, victim, exposure

Analyzing of the Factors Affecting the Exposure of Adolescents to Peer Bullying

This study was prepared to examine the factors affecting peer bullying exposure considering adolescents’ gender, age and classes. The study area of the research was applied to 9 th and 10 th grade students of Sakarya province Sapanca Vocational and Technical Anotolian High School. In this study, 10 students were asked questions to examine the factors affecting adolescent’s exposure to peer bullying. Students’ responses were evaluated using the interview form. Although the problems of adolescence differ in the historical process , they have existed in all societies until today. Because adolescents experience self-fornation in this process,plan the future and go through a very difficult process. The importance of friendship, popularity, self-realisation,setting goals and most importantly,rapid biological,psychological and social changes can attract these individuals in different problems. Thus, adolescents’ reactions to these problems sometimes go to extremes and increases in violence are observed. Bullying, which is a form of aggression, is used for purposes such as achieving one’s own goals, establishing authority, and making somebody give up. The increase of aggression events in the world and in our country in recent years has also increased the studies on this issues. In this study, the relationship between peer bullying and some factors such as age ,gender, physical characteristics,personality traits and parental attitudes affecting peer bullying were investigated.


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