What is the 'Basic Thinking' of the Lausanne Treaty

One of Lhe issues of contenLion beLween Turkeyand Greece is theintention of Lhe lalter LoexLent İls territorial waters. This issue is of greatimpartance bccause it is rclated Lothe delimitation of LheGrcck airspace andthe Aegcan conLinental shelL Obviously, any extension of the Greekterritorial sea would bring further parts of the Aegcan Sea and Lhe Aegcancontinental shclf into the Greek sovereignty. A possible extension of theGrcck territorial waters to twelve nautical miles would alsa aııow Grecce toexercise sovereign righLs over a greater part of the Aegcan airspace. it is,therefore, evident that Turkish interests in the area would be very muchaffecLed by a decision of Grecce to exLent iL')terriLorial sea in the Aegcan. 

What is the 'Basic Thinking' of the Lausanne Treaty

One of Lhe issues of contenLion beLween Turkeyand Greece is theintention of Lhe lalter LoexLent İls territorial waters. This issue is of greatimpartance bccause it is rclated Lothe delimitation of LheGrcck airspace andthe Aegcan conLinental shelL Obviously, any extension of the Greekterritorial sea would bring further parts of the Aegcan Sea and Lhe Aegcancontinental shclf into the Greek sovereignty. A possible extension of theGrcck territorial waters to twelve nautical miles would alsa aııow Grecce toexercise sovereign righLs over a greater part of the Aegcan airspace. it is,therefore, evident that Turkish interests in the area would be very muchaffecLed by a decision of Grecce to exLent iL')terriLorial sea in the Aegcan.