Nationalism and Peace: The Signifiance of Atatürk's Movement

Atatürk is known throughout the world as a vietoriouscommander and leader who fought both against the invading Greek forees and the Entente Powers and as an ablestatesman who initiated unpreeedented reforms with theaim of transform'İng an underdeveloped, illiterate, andrural population into a developed, modern, and eivilizedpeople. However, Atatürk's thoughts and aetions on peace,international understanding, and prerequisites for the ultimate sueeess of anti-imperialist movements in general arenot widely known, at least outside of Turkey. The principalaim of this short essay is to try to elueidate these aspeetsof Atatürk's thinking. it might then become possible tosay that even taday, more than sixty years after the Turkishstruggle, Atatürk's example of national liberation andeonstruetion is unsurpassed. 
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Nationalism, Peace, Signifiance

Nationalism and Peace: The Signifiance of Atatürk's Movement

Atatürk is known throughout the world as a vietoriouscommander and leader who fought both against the invading Greek forees and the Entente Powers and as an ablestatesman who initiated unpreeedented reforms with theaim of transform'İng an underdeveloped, illiterate, andrural population into a developed, modern, and eivilizedpeople. However, Atatürk's thoughts and aetions on peace,international understanding, and prerequisites for the ultimate sueeess of anti-imperialist movements in general arenot widely known, at least outside of Turkey. The principalaim of this short essay is to try to elueidate these aspeetsof Atatürk's thinking. it might then become possible tosay that even taday, more than sixty years after the Turkishstruggle, Atatürk's example of national liberation andeonstruetion is unsurpassed. 


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  • Carr, E. H., What is History?, Penguin Books, London, 1961.
  • Davison, Roderic, Turkish Diplomacy from Mudros to Lausanne, Craig and Gilbert
  • Kansu, Mazhar Müfit, Erzurum'dan Ölümüne Kadar Atatür!,'le Berabe!', 2 Vols., Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1966.
  • Lenczewski, George, The Middle East in World Affairs, Corneli University Press, Ithaca, 1980.
  • Şimşir, Bilal, İngiliz Belgelerinde Atatürk (1919-1938), (British Documents on Atatürk), 2 Vols., Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi. Ankara 1973.