Utilization of Tutopatch® bovine pericardium xenograft for nasal dorsum augmentation in primary and secondary rhinoplasties

Objectives: The aim of this study was to present the utilization of Tutopatch® bovine pericardium xenograft for nasal dorsum augmentation and/or camouflage in primary and secondary rhinoplasties. Patients and Methods: Between January 2017 and July 2019, the Tutopatch® bovine pericardium was used for nasal dorsum or glabellar augmentation in eight patients 3 males, 5 females: mean age 35 years; range, 25 to 43 years and used for camouflage in six patients 1 male, 5 females; mean age: 30 years; range, 27 to 38 years having rhinoplasty operations. Medical data of the patients were retrospectively analyzed. Pre- and postoperative results were compared. Degree of satisfaction was self-reported by the patients. Results: The mean follow-up was 16 range, 6 to 24 months. Only one major complication due to the overcorrection of the nasal dorsum with a small hump was observed in a secondary rhinoplasty case necessitating further revision. Other types of complications such as erythema, undercorrection, malposition, seroma, hematoma, or graft extrusion were not observed. All patients, except for the case necessitating further revision were satisfied with the outcomes. Conclusion: Utilization of Tutopatch® bovine pericardium xenograft in wrapping the diced cartilage for nasal dorsum augmentation or as the camouflage material over the nasal dorsum and nasal tip skeleton in either primary or secondary rhinoplasty operations can be a wise option without any adverse allergic reaction or donor site morbidity


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