In the world, development of the service sector is one of the factors that determine countries’ level of development. The increasing competitive environment and urbanization, lead to the establishment of a new service sector to address people’s need for physical exercises. For this purpose, we asked customers that go to sports centers to evaluate the service they received and tried to find out the factors that impacted the quality of this service. A total of 328 randomly selected people from Istanbul (%43,3 (142) female, %56,7 (186) male), participated in our study. We applied a survey called “Quality Perception and a Satisfaction Survey in Sports Center” to the participants. The survey questions contain these following categories; the state of the physical comfort of the gym, the quality of exercise equipment and exercise methods which are used in the gym, qualification and sentience of trainers of sports, the satisfaction levels of the participants to the gym, questions about traffic and car-park issues, the latter two being among the biggest problems of the city life. The results were statistically compared according to gender of participants. There was a statistically significant difference between males and females about the comparison of the responses to questions about traffic and parking problems (p<0,05). We fond that female participants had more troubles related to traffic and car-parking. The results of our study shows that there is a necessity to resolve traffic and parking related problems which would be partially solved if the location of the service was more reachable, not crowded and had adequate parking spaces


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