Yeni Bir Neps Ölçüm Yöntemi AFIS-N

Buyazlda MIS-N neps ol@m sistemi detayb olarak incelenmig ve diger ol~urn yontemleri ile kar.pla$zrzlmlgtzr. Bunagore, gerek hampamukta ve gerekse diger iiretim ngamalarznda yapzlan neps sayzmlarznda AFIS-N sistemi ile, diger metotlarla kar.plagtlrzlabilen ol@m sonuglarz elde edilebildigi ve bu sistemin ol~iirn suresi, test sonu~lanna laborantln etkisi ve tekrarlanabilirlik aplarzndan klcisik neps sayma yontemlerine belirli bir iistunliik saglad@ anlaplmaktadzr
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Neps, Ölçüm, AFIS-N


The MIS-N neps measurement system is examined in detail, in this article, and is compared with other methods at measurement. As a result in the nep countings carried out both in raw cotton and at other processing stages, it has been observed that measurement results comparable to other methods can be obtained and that this system has a certain advantage over the classical neps counting system from the points of view of the duration of measurement, the influence of the laboratory personnel on test results and of reproducibility.