Modanın Değişimi Üzerine Etkili Olan Faktörler

Buyazlda, moda olan iiriinlerin iiretim ve tiiketimleri iizerinde etkili olan buzz olgular nitelenmekte, kadm ozgiirl@ii, gen~lere yonelik pazarzn artan etkisi, kitle iletigimi ve kitlesel iiretimin artan uygulannbilirligigibi faktorlerin onemi belirtilmektedir. Ayrzcn, uluslararasl tekstil ve ham giyim ticareti ile iligkili bir ka~ sonq da ana hatlarzyla ifade edilmektedir. 

Factors Affecting Fashion Change

A nwmber of issues which have proved to be influential in theproduction and consumption of fashion products are adentified TJze importance of such factors as female emancipation, the increased influence of the youth market, changing social attitudes, and the increased applicability of mass communication and mass manufacturing is recognised. A small number of issues relating to international trad6 in textiles and clothing are also outlined.