Jüt elyafından jeotekstil üretimi


  • [1-3] Siew-Ann Tan et al: Geotextiles and Geomem-branes 13 (1994), 147-163; Ranganathan: 421-433; Sanyal u. Chakraborthy 127-132 [4] Chatterjee et al:Textile Asia 23 (1992), 3, 127-128 [5] Datye u.Gore:Geotextiles and Geomembranesl3 (1994), 371-388 [6] Belton Industries, South Carol./USA: High Performance Textiles, 1987/01, Nr. 7,9-11 [7] Textile Asia 25 (1994), 2, 87 [8-9] Nayak et. al, Textile Asia 23 (1992), 5,169 Ab-dullah: 9, 72-74