Authoritarianısm From The Perspective Of Necip Fazıl Kısakurek

This article intends to study the concepts of state, leader, authority and obedience through the eye of Necip Fazıl as an Islamist. It intends to reveal the place of Necip Fazıl, who has a great influence on the Turkish right wing’s gaining its present identity, in Turkish Islamist Thinking by explaining the concept of authoritarianism from his perspective. Starting from the writings of Necip Fazıl, who is one of the most important thinkers of the Turkish Islamism, on the concepts of state, leader, authority and obedience, we intend to understand better the journey which the conservative Islamist thinking has followed from the day when it rose to the present throughout the history of Turkey. Starting from the magnitude of the influence of Necip Fazıl, who has guided a great number of statesmen through his thoughts in the Turkish political history, on the Turkish-Islamist thinking, we intend to show the place of the concepts of state, leader, authority and obedience in the traditional Turkish Islamist-Conservative thinking. 


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