Hüsameddin Lâçîn ve Saltanat Dönemi (696-698/1296-1299): Memlûkler’de Meşrutî Bir Sultan Teşebbüsü Ve Akâmeti

Memlûk Türk Devleti’nde Memlûk nizâmından yetişmiş her emîr’e saltanat yolu açık olmuştur. Askeri, siyasi güç ve nüfuz sahibi her emîr şartlar oluştuğunda politik maharetini kullanarak saltanat makamına oturmuştur. Memlûk nizamından yetişen Hüsameddin Lâçîn sırayla emîrlik, eyalet nâibliği, saltanat nâibliği yapmış sonunda da Sultan olmuştur. O, Sultan Eşref Halil (689-693/1290-1293) suikastı sonrası başlayan fetret dönemi Sultanlarındandır. Ancak Lâçîn seleflerinden farklı olarak kendisine biat eden üst düzey emîrlere danışmadan karar almayacağına dair söz vererek tahta oturmuştur. Ne var ki O, sözünde durmayarak kendi otoritesinin tesis etme yönündeki hamleleri sarayda üst düzey emîrlerin tertip ettiği bir suikast ile karşılık bularak öldürülmüştür.      

Hüsameddin Lâçin and His Sultanate (696-698/1296-1299)

The way to Sultanate is open to each amir that was educated from Mameluke system in Mamluk Turkish State. This is the characteristic of Mameluke Sultanate structure. When the conditions are ready, each amir that has power and prestige can be a Sultan by using his political skills. Hüsameddin Lâçîn, who he was educated in Mamluk system, he became an amir and when the conditions were available he became sultan. He, once reached up to the position of provincial regency from amirate, then to Sultanate regency and finally to Sultanate. He is a Sultan of the fetret period which started after the assassination of Sultan Eşref Halil (689-693 / 1290-1293) in the reign of Mamluk. However, unlike his successors, Lachin has promised that he will not make decisions without consulting the superiors of the allegiance to him. So what, Hence the hasty attitude of Laçin towards establishing his own Sultanate, caused him to be the victim of a political murder in his own position in the palace. In the article while we are examining Sultan Lachin we are going to discuss an important issue which brought victory to Mamluks against the Mongols and Crusaders. Namely, how different races were brought together, educated, served for same ideal; how they reached up to position of sultanate by their sagacity, courage and talents and their loyal services.


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