The investigation of the association between systemic diseases and periodontitis in subjects referred periodontology clinic

Amaç: Bu ara?t?rman?n amac?; periodontitisi olan ve olmayan bireylerde sistemik hastal?klar?n prevalans?n?belirleyerek, bu bireyler aras?nda sistemik hastal?k riski aç?s?ndan farkl?l?k olup olmad???n? de?erlendirmekve incelenen populasyonda periodontitis ile sistemik hastal?klar aras?nda bir ili?ki olup olmad???n? ara?t?rmakt?r.Gereç ve Yöntem: 2004- 2005 y?llar? aras?nda, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Di? Hekimli?i FakültesiPeriodontoloji Klini?ine ba?vuran bireylerin, kaydedilmi? t?bbi ve dental anamnez formlar? de?erlendirildi.Bulgular: Anamnez formlar?ndaki klinik ve radyografik muayene kay?tlar?na dayanarak; 1887 bireydeperiodontitis oldu?u belirlendi. Geriye kalan 850 bireyde ise periodontitis bulgusuna rastlanmad?. Bireylerin846 s?nda (% 30,9) sistemik hastal?k oldu?u belirlendi. En s?k görülen sistemik hastal?klar kalp-damarhastal?klar? (%12,2) idi. Bunu endokrin hastal?klar (%7,2), romatizmal hastal?klar (%4,3), kan hastal?klar?(%3), gö?üs hastal?klar? (%2,9) ve dermatolojik hastal?klar (%0,5) takip ediyordu. Periodontitisi olan veolmayan bireyler aras?nda, sistemik hastal?k varl??? aç?s?ndan anlaml? farkl?l?k izlendi (p

Periodontoloji kliniğine başvuran bireylerde periodontitis ve sistemik hastalıklar arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması

Aim: The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of systemic diseases in subjects referred toperiodontology clinic, to evaluate whether there is a difference in risk of systemic disease existence betweensubjects with and without periodontitis and to assess whether there is any association between periodontitisand systemic diseases in this population. Material and methods: The 2737 medical and dental history formsof the subjects referred Periodontology Clinic of Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry whichwere archived in years 2004-2005 were assessed. Results: A total of 1887 patients were periodontitis while850 patients were not based on the anamnesis forms. The number of patients with systemic disease was 846(30.9%). The most common systemic disease was cardiovascular disease (12.1%) followed by endocrinediseases (7.2%), rheumatologic diseases (4.3%), infectious diseases (4.3%), hematologic disorders (3%),pulmonary diseases (2.9%), and dermatologic diseases (0.5%). There was significant difference regardingthe presence of systemic diseases between the subjects with and without periodontitis (p


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