Recent economic downturn, decrease in oil and gas prices in world markets, devaluation of national currency highlighted the urgent need of diversifying economy in Azerbaijan to strengthen the economic standing. Tourism is considered to be one of the major priority areas in the development of non-oil sector in Azerbaijan. To create a comprehensive marketing strategy for the tourism sector, it is of critical importance to determine a brand image of the destination. Studies show that destination brand image or the way people perceive a specific destination affects consumer destination choice. Shaping a positive brand image of the country is on the top agenda of the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Numerous measures, including hosting dozens of international competitions, international song contests, sponsorship of sports events, as well as designing different commercials about Azerbaijan are aimed at the creation of the positive brand image of the country. This empirical research paper will focus on determining common/unique components of perceived image of Azerbaijan as a tourist destination, followed by testing cognitive/conative model of this particular destination. Practical implication of this research is twofold: The proposed model will serve as a foundation for the creation of successful marketing strategy based on the determined destination image of the country and will create a basis for further researches in this direction.


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