Özet: Bu çalışmada, lineer cebirsel denklem sistemlerinin çözümü için (KESKİN & AYDIN 2007) de verilen iteratif boyut indirgeme metodunu (IDDM) kullanarak verilen regüler matrisin tersini bulan bir metod geliştirdik. Bu metod üzerine kurulan bir algoritma ve Maple programı verdik. Ayrıca bazı nümerik örnekler de verdik. Anahtar sözcükler: lineer sistem, iteratif metot, ters matris. CALCULATION INVERSE OF MATRIX WITH IDDM Abstract: In this study, we have developed a method to calculate inverse of given regular matrix with Iterative Decreasing Dimension Method (IDDM) that its given in (KESKİN & AYDIN 2007) to solve the linear algebraic equations systems. We have given a algorithm which is based on this method and Maple program. So we also have given some numerical examples. Key words: linear system, iterative method, inverse matrix. Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000): 65F10, 15A09.


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