Balık yemlerinde kalite kontrol

Karma yemlerin kalite kontrolü, yalnızca her ham maddenin belirlenen standartlara uygunluğunun araştırılması değil, aynı zamanda bu ham maddelerin depolamadan yem yapımına kadar olan süredeki kalitelerinin takibini içermektedir. Kalite kontrol, karışım işleminden karma yemin depolanmasına kadar devam etmektedir.

Quality control in fish feed

Quality control in the compound feed industry not only involves the verification of quality standarts established for each feed ingredient as it is received into storage in the mill, but also involves the close monitoring of the quality of ingredients through the period of storage prior to usage and during its processing. Quality control continues as ingredients are merged during the mixing porcess and as they finally go into storage as compound feed.