Kamu Personel Yönetiminde Ölçüt ve Gösterge Odaklı Performans Yönetimi

Kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarında personelin ücretleme, yükselme, ödülleme ve eğitimine ilişkin

Performance Management Focus on Measurement and Indıcator in Public Personnel Administration

Salary of civil servants, promotion, rewards and education decisions, we need to focus onperformance measurements and indicators to be done according to clear data. In this paper, theneed can be managed by looking at the performance indicators according to performancemeasurement of public personnel, aimed to determine the relevance and applicability. Onlypersonnel evaluations or observations based on more supervisors, based on the positive ornegative interactions between hierarchical, or unnecessary formalities can be seento berealistic.In this paper, theoretical knowledge and documents have been examined as asolutiontothis problem. Also, on thesubject of various Public institutions and organizations indifferent professions (doctors, teachers, engineers, police, etc.) Have been studied for the resultsof research Public personnel. Thus, a research method that includes both theoretical and somepractices have been adopted. Performance of çivil servants should be managed with a focus on themost appropriate performance measures and indicators. Performance management should beclear, giventhe legal andaccountability. To determine the human performances hould be givenscientific support to the introduction and implementation efforts. Practices should alsoe xamines.


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