Spor Bilimlerinde Nitel Araştırma Yaklaşımı

Spor bilimlerinde bir paradigma değişimi yaşanıyor.

Qualitative Research in Sports Science

There is a paradigm shift in sport sciences. Sociallife which includes sport is changing, our perceptionsand interests are changing. Our ontological,epistemological assumptions and therefore our methodologicalassumptions are changing. Therefore, inTurkey and in the world, the number of qualitativestudies has been increased in recent years. However,we cannot see the similar increase in the quality andrichness of the qualitative studies. Because youngsport scientists who are learning and practicing qualitativeresearch have a fuzzy instruction (Koca veHünük, 2016). One of the reasons for this is that theycannot position the learning resources of qualitativeresearch into their research contexts. In this article, Iaimed to position qualitative research into sport andsport sciences. I tried to discuss the fundamental featuresof qualitative research, paradigm, researchdesigns, data collection techniques, data analysis,and credibility strategies within the context of sportsciences. I hope that I will provide a route map to thesport scientists who would like to conduct a qualitativestudy.


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  • 2- Armour K, Griffiths M. (2012). Case study research. (K Armour, D Macdonald, Ed.). Research Methods in Physical Education and Youth Sport. UK: Routledge.
  • 3- Armour K, Chen H. (2012). Narrative research methods: Where the art of storytelling meets the science of research. (K Armour, D Macdonald, Ed.). Research Methods in Physical Education and Youth Sport. UK: Routledge.