Bizans Devleti ve Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti arasında 17 Eylül 1176 yılında yapılan Myriokephalon Savaşı Türklerin zaferi ile sonuçlanmıştır. Bu savaş sonunda Anadolu bir Türk yurdu haline gelmiş, savaşın etkileri aradan geçen sekiz yüzyılı aşkın süre boyunca devam etmiş, Türkler Anadolu topraklarını bir daha bırakmamışlardır.


The Battle of Myriokephalon fought between the Turkey Seljuk State and Byzantine State on 17 September 1176 resulted with the victory of Turks. At the end of the war, Anatolia became a homeland for Turks, the effects of the war have gone on for over eight centuries, and Turks have never left Anatolia.The discussions on the place of the war have caused the scientific world to study this important event again. Scholars have made efforts to localise the war recently. Some interpretations have been made for the localisation by making use of the related sources. These localisation proposals generally address Kufi Gorge in Denizli/Çivril, Isparta/Gelendost, Karamık Beli in Isparta/Yalvaç and Bağırsak Gorge in Konya/Beyşehir.Scholars agree with the fact that the Byzantine Army arrived in Kelainai (Dinar). But the route of the army after leaving Kelainai and the place of the battle are questionable. The reason of these discussions is that there are Çivril and Homa settlements both in Konya and Denizli. The fact that there are Çivril and Homa settlements in the discussions about Kufi Gorge or Bağırsak Gorge as the battlefield makes the scholars who suggest these two settlements more advantageous than the others defending other localisations.However, Çivril (Çivrilçimeni) mentioned in the sources may address another place different and independent from both of these settlements. The toponymies such as Çivriller with close location to Bağırsak Gorge and Çivrelliler that a little further than the other show that it can be possible. In this study, it is aimed to contribute to the localisation of the battle ield by making use of microtoponymical evidence. On the other hand, localisation studies without archaeological excavations and survey researches are going to lead new discussions as well.


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