Doğu, batı ve kuzey, güney yollarının kesişmekte olan Konya coğrafyası bereketli ovaları ve su kaynakları ulaşım değil aynı zamanda bir yerleşim coğrafyasını da oluşturmuştur. Konya ovasının merkezinde yer alan beş bin yıllık tarihi ile Konya (Ikkuwaniya) kenti bir geçiş noktası olmasından öte siyasi, dini ve ticari kimliği ile kültürlerin buluşma merkezi hüviyetindedir. Bu yüzden tarih boyunca komşusu ya da daha uzakta bulunan küresel çaptaki siyasal güç odaklarının hedefi olmuştur. Kent, bu türden antik dönemde birçok saldırıya uğrayıp yağma ve yıkımlar yaşamıştır.


The existence of human being in Konya goes back 1 million years and demonstrates the history of the region within the Anatolian History. Konya region where the routes from the east, west, north and south meet, forms not only the transportation but also the settlement with its fertile plains and water resources. Konya city (Ikkuwaniya) in the centre of the Konya plain which has a past of 5000 years is also the meeting centre of cultures with its political, religious and commercial identity in addition to be a transition region. Therefore the region became a target for its neighbours or further global political powers. The city was also attacked quite a lot times and pillaged in the Ancient period.The region gained more importance since the trade routes going to İstanbul were passing through Konya as a result of the Muslims’ conquests of the certain religious centres, especially Jerusalem, in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 7th century in the Medieval Age. Konya, which drew attention as a border city like a military base during the Arab-Byzantine wars, gained a pivotal city status when Turks conquered the region.For this reason, the transportation network in Konya, which was a passage corridor among the imperial centres earlier, became more centralized in this period. To get an idea of the importance of the region, the transportation network around Konya for ten thousand years, from the Neolithic Age to the Hittite, Phrygian, Lydian, Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period, will be mentioned, and then the geopolitics of Balkayalar-Bağırşık Stream Fortress, which has been considered as Myriokephalon recently, will be discussed.


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